Hello! My Name is Princewill Chuka and I'm a Performance Marketing Consultant & Lead at TTP Digital​

I help business owners move the numbers that matter; sales, leads, inbound traffic by building automated systems that pepertually bring the goods with little effort.

Got a business problem? Let’s talk

Services We Offer At TTP Digital

Marketing Strategy

Want to map out a go-to market strategy for your brand, product launch and need a digital marketing ninja by your side? I'm your guy

Digital Advertising

I've advertised in over 15 niches and sold hundreds of millions in products and services because of ONE THING; Mastering the art of digital advertising. Let's talk about your ads today

Coaching & Mentorship

Looking to get into eCommerce or Digital Marketing and need a "hold me by the hand to the end" coach? The courses tab in the Main Menu will lead you to my eCommerce Blueprint, its the total package.

Brands I've Worked With

Meet Princewill of TTP Digital

Princewill is a leading expert in Digital Marketing with ver 5 years of experience in lead generation, advertising, email marketing, content creation and sales. He is currently helping business owners thrive with their advertising at TTP Digital

Princewill is well known for working with small business owners to train them on effective advertising and how to increase their clientele.

He is also the creator of the eCommerce Blueprint – Nigeria’s most complete eCommerce course.

The digital course has helped 30+ students scale their eCommerce business to 7figure businesses in a short time.


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